
Sunday 28 July 2013

Tutorial: Net Knots

 Net knots is nothing but a variation of detached buttonhole stitch, one more beautiful stitch from buttonhole stitch family. The stitch is ideal to fill  the large areas like flower petals.

To start, work buttonhole stitch from  the bottom of the design.
#. Take care to  work uniform loops and dont pull  the thread too tight.

Bring up the needle just above the first layer of buttonhole stitch.

  Now pass the needle under the first  loop of the  buttonhole layer which is just below the working thread and pull through.. take care not to pick the fabric.

first loop will be formed.
 Again pass the needle under the same loop and pull through.

one net knot is formed.
 Again pass the needle under the second loop of the previous buttonhole layer and pull through.
Pass the needle through the fabric and bring it up to the next line.
 Pass the needle under the loop of the preceding layer of the buttonhole stitch..
Once again pass the needle under the same loop and pull through. Repeat the same till you reach the other end. Now pass the needle through the fabric and bring just above
Repeat the same till you reach the other end. Like this you have to work to and fro till the design is completely filled.

 Once you completed  filling design, bring up the needle above the top layer of the design and pass the needle through the fabric of the first loop. Bring up the needle above the second loop and pass it through fabric in the second loop. Repeat till you reach the other end. This fixes all the net knots and filling looks neat
Now work the outline with chain stitch or stem stitch.

#. To work on irregular shapes you can add or skip the buttonhole loops as and when needed per the design.

you can see my project with this stitch  here.

Hope this tutorial helps you. If so drop a line and I will be glad if you share your experiments/projects with me here.

Have a  nice day..


  1. hi Lakshmi,
    Happy to c u bak !!!!!!!!

  2. Is this your new blog it thru FB

  3. Happy to see your new blog dear,
    I need tutorial for muvala kuttu.

  4. Hi Sadala garu,
    I missed your blog for almost 3 months.Now this new blog makes my everyday complete.
    Thanks Sadala garu,

  5. Hi Sadala garu,
    I missed your blog for almost 3 months.Now this new blog makes my everyday complete.
    Thanks Sadala garu,

  6. Hi Lakshmi, I really missed you and I am really happy that you are back.This net knot tutorial is very very explanatory and I like this..

  7. Hi,
    Lakshmi, happy to see your tutorial.We all missed u a lot.

  8. Hi,
    Lakshmi,i am happy to see u again.We all missed u.

  9. Thank you Shyla..miss you all too.. I can not do much of embroidery because of physical constraints after the surgery n all..

  10. Hi lakshmi please put your blogs name in the middle of the image.Kallru iddare echharike!!!!!

    1. Thanks Vanigaru..howdu nanu marthe hogidde..kelavu hosa holige madokke bhaya aguthe..

  11. Hai Laxmi, Long back I met you through mail. Regularly I was watching all your projects and tutorials from your blog's. Due to some problems blog was not available and permission denied every time i am trying to watch. Luckly today i got it. I am so happy. With your inspiration only I am trying to do small small works eventhough i am working woman. Thanq you very much laxmigaru. bye.


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