
Monday 19 August 2013

Tutorial: Shisha work2

In my earlier post i have posted one simple way of stitching mirrors. Now I am showing you one more simple way of stitching mirrors.
Placing the mirror on the fabric mark the outline.
Remove the mirror and work chain stitch  all along the outline. Stick the mirror with fabric glue in the outline you drawn. Let allow the glue to dry.

Bring up the needle from one corner of the mirror.
Pass the needle in the loop of the chain. Work detached buttonhole stitch all along the chain stitch on all the four sides.

In the second row pass the needle twice the loop of the preceding layer of the loops formed by the detached buttonhole stitch.
You can refer my netknots tutorial here.
Complete all the four sides.
# You can skip the loops if the loops are very close.
Depending on the mirror size you can work one more layer of net knots.
Slide the needle under the netknots and anchor the thread.
Here completed the mirror/shisha work.
In this tutorial I have used cone thread.

You can work the same way for round mirrors too.
In this sampler I have used 2 layers of silk threads.

If you liked my tutorials drop a line. Comments and critics will  be more welcome.


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