
Thursday 6 November 2014

Bullion Stitch: Saree Blouse

My camera is not yet fixed completely so posting this embroidery work late. This blouse is matching one for my saree for which I did embroidery work some time back with bullion stitch. Now only I did finish for the blouse with same stitch but with some other design.

Of late I am interested in making saree tassels. I did few but could not take the pictures as my camera is not working properly. 
In the below picture you can see one type of tassel making which is under process. It is yet to be stitched more and trimmed.


  1. very nice I do like bullion stitch

  2. Hi Lakshmi I just want to say thank you for the Chemanthi Stitch tutorial. It was brilliant. The pictures and video were a great help. I did get into a little muddle to start with, but I think I am there now! I have just posted a blog on my stitching, with a link to your site.

  3. Just to say thank you for your tutorial on Chemanthi stitch. The combination of pictures and videos worked really well. I have just written a blog post on my efforts with a link to your blog.

    1. TAhnk you Tiggy Rawling..visited your blog and it so beautiful..

  4. You have made a nice design on the saree blouse. The color combination used in the design is perfectly complimenting the blouse color.

    1. Thank you for your visit and compliments Ellie..actually the colours in the design of the blouse matches with the colours in the saree...

  5. This is amazing design, and it will look very pretty when worne.

  6. Nice work and nice combination

  7. Wow very good and amazing design,it looks very pretty i liked it...

  8. Lakshmi, hello you may not remember me but I am shirley from twisted threads blog and stitchin fingers. I saw a message from a lady called Thendral today on what looked like a chat, but cant find it or how to contact her. Do you perhaps know of her? I would like to reply. I have replied through mynew blog.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. how can I forget you Shirley..I do remeber you. i learnt a lot from you..I am not much in to blogging or stitching these days ..I know Thendral I will message her through facebook..


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